About Check Detail Viewer The Check Detail Viewer enables you to view historical check level detail from your Aloha Insight Web site. For example, you want to review all checks closed by an employee on a single date. You can search by the date and refine the search further by the time the checks were opened. After a list of checks appear in the Guest Check list box, you can sort by employee name to review and reprint the check detail for your records. Check Detail Viewer does not provide an exact representation of the POS guest check; it does provide an approximation of the guest check that you can review. To view check detail, select Aloha Insight > Check Detail Viewer: Store — Contains a list of stores defined in Aloha Insight that the user can select. Date of Business — Specifies the date of business for which the system returns guest checks. The system can only return data up to 90 days in the past. Time Range — Specifies the time range for which the system returns guest checks. You can optionally filter by a time range by selecting a time in the ‘From’ drop-down list and ‘To’ drop-down list. The hours in the drop-down list are in a 24 hour format from 0:00 to 23:00. The ‘Time Range’ is optional. If you do not enter a time range, the system returns checks for the entire day. Check Number — Specifies a check number for the search. Type either the guest check number or the first part of the number in the text box. If you type a partial number in the text box, the system matches check numbers from left to right. For example, you type a “30” in the text box, the system would return all checks that start with 30, but would not return a check number 10030. Filter Checks By — Specifies the criteria by which to search and filter the checks. Choose one of the following criteria: • Clears • Comps • Open • Promos • Refunds • Reopened checks • Voids For example, you can filter the list so that only checks containing a comp appear in the list. You can then view each check individually to view the item(s) being comped. Search Click ‘Search’ to validate the information entered in ‘Store,’ ‘Date of Business,’ ‘Time Range,’ and ‘Check Number.’ The system populates the ‘Guest Check’ list box based on the search information entered. Clear Click ‘Clear’ to clear any search criteria entered in ‘Store,’ ‘Date of Business,’ ‘Time Range,’ and ‘Check Number.’ Clicking ‘Clear’ also clears the ‘Guest Check’ list box. Guest Check List Box The ‘Guest Check’ list box contains all guest checks in a sortable column format that meets the search criteria entered in ‘Store,’ ‘Date of Business,’ ‘Time Range,’ and ‘Check Number.’ The list appears in descending order by check number. To sort by another column, click the column and click the down arrow. A menu appears, enabling you to sort by ascending or descending order. Check # — Contains the full guest check number created by the Aloha POS. The default sort order is by the ‘Check #’ column in descending order, meaning from the lowest to the highest check number. Employee — Contains the first and last name of the employee that closed the check. Time — Contains the time the check was opened in a 24 hour format. For example, if the guest check was opened at 6:00 p.m. the time would appear as 18:00 in the list. Amount — Contains the total guest check payment amount. View Select a guest check record in the list box and click ‘View’ to view the detailed guest check information. Print Select a guest check record in the list box and click ‘Print’ to print the selected guest check to your local printer. Guest Check Data Viewer The guest check detail appears to the right of the Guest Check Filter search criteria. The information includes store information, employee name, check open and close times, items ordered and payment information. The payment information indicates the method of payment, such as cash or type of credit card. Figure 4 Guest Check Detail Number Description Contains the store ID and store name, as defined in Aloha Insight. Contains the address and phone number of the store, as defined in Aloha Insight. Contains the first name of the employee that closed the check and the date the check was closed. Contains the open and close time of the check. Contains the table number and number of guests on the check. Contains a list of the items ordered. Contains the check subtotal, tax, and total amount of the check. Contains the payment method used to close the check. Contains the date the check was closed and check number from the Aloha POS. Contains the price of the item ordered after discounts. Contains the amount tendered on the check and any tips, if included on the check.